TREGA training sessions
Pildo Labs has been in charge of providing the Regulatory and Service provision trainings.
Two training sessions were held:
“Space Projects Management” and “Legal Regulatory Aspects”, ran from 15 July to 4 August 2013.
“GNSS Systems and Applications” and “Service Provision, User Support and Promotion of EGNOS Use in Africa”, runs from 20 January to 12 March.
TREGA (Training EGNOS GNSS in Africa) is an EC-ICTP project that aims to support the implementation of GNSS/EGNOS in Sub-Saharan Africa by:
providing training on space project management, GNSS and EGNOS technology, SBAS service provision and user support, and applied legal and regulatory matters to the members of the EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office.
Selecting, procuring and using a testing platform and software simulator as a preliminary backbone infrastructure for the implementation of SBAS services in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Training a core number of African professionals to be able to address technical problems related to the conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa, making use of the testing platform/software simulator